My Love For Riding

(Kani and Amy – with Bunda Mountain in the background)

I’ve rediscovered my passion for cycling over these last few weeks and truly feel as if I am finally on the road to recovery! My heart still aches every time I think of Andy, but I am beginning to feel stronger and stronger with each passing day.

(Kani, Amy and Ben)

On Sunday mornings, a small group of us have been getting together to explore the countryside, meandering down random red dirt lanes and trails just to see where they go.

(Amy in the village)

The whole experience has been extremely therapeutic, especially when I am greeted with beaming smiles from Malawians who wish me a ‘peaceful journey’ as I ride by; or the children who scream ‘Mazungu’ (or the equivalent of Jamaicans hollering ‘Whitey”) as I pass them on the road.

(Cycling in the village)

And I can’t help but smile when I see other cyclists on the road, carrying huge loads of firewood, charcoal, sugar cane, goats or even chicken strapped to their bikes. It makes you realize that a bike is probably one of the most prized possessions in the village – certainly the most reliable and affordable (gas is approximately $8/gallon).


This week, we cycled from Bunda to the Kamuzu Dam, criss-crossing through maize fields and sugar plantations while venturing from village to village. Our final destination, the Kamuzu Dam, is where the Lilongwe Sailing Club meets. We had a lovely braai (Afrikaans for BBQ), then cycled back to Damien and Kani’s place in Bunda. I was a bit deterred from kayaking as there was an enormous hippo frolicking in the water extremely close to the shore. It’s amazing what is considered ‘normal’ when one lives in Africa.

(Damien BBQ on the grill)


Please continue to keep in touch. I still get lonely at night…this house is too big for one person.


Much love,

1 comment to My Love For Riding

  • Lisa Petersen

    Glad to see you on the “road to recovery” so to speak. What an adventurous spirit you have. Just one note or call it a nag, but as your friend AND as a CDCer representing Injury Control AND PREVENTION……


    Those roads don’t look like soft landing and I want you to preserve your most awesome and delicate brain matter. Okay??

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